How old is Sofia Gomez?

Sofia Gomez was born on 30 June 2002.
Sofia Gomez is 21 years old.

How old is Sofia Gomez in days now?

Sofia Gomez is 21 years 10 months 3 days old.
Total 7,978 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sofia Gomez?

Sofia Gomez's next birthday is in 1 month 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sofia Gomez?

Zodiac sign of Sofia Gomez is Cancer.

Sofia Gomez is a bright TikTok star who despite of her youngage has already attracted a ladge number of followers and fans for her great and creative lip-syncing videos. Sofia was born in 2002 in the US and spent her childhood alongsie her family and friends. She has been a geat fan of social media for many years, and she opened her TikTok channel when she was 15. One of her most famous early videos is a great lip-syncing version of one of the songs of Billie Eilish which attracted a large numbr of viewers. As of the early 2022, the number of the followers of her channel is exceeding 5 million people, and this number has been increasing steadily for a few years. Sofia Gomez is a lovely and really talented TikTok content creator who has been improving her video making skills and expanding the scope of her video content. 

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