How old is Sub Urban?
Sub Urban was born on 22 October 1999.
Sub Urban is 25 years old.
How old is Sub Urban in days now?
Sub Urban is 25 years 3 months 27 days old.
Total 9,251 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sub Urban?
Sub Urban's next birthday is in 8 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sub Urban?
Zodiac sign of Sub Urban is Libra.
A charismatic and charming guy, Sub Urban is a music producer and a performing artist who is famous for a few hits of his including probably the best known one titled "Cradles". Born Daniel Maisonneuve in 1999 in New York, he was brought up by his parents of French, Canadian, and Thai origins. As a young child he was attending piano lessons. He spent most of his childhood in New Jersey where he made his first steps in music and recorded his first hits. When he was 17, he decided to focus solely on music and pursue a career in music. His efforts resulted in recording a great song titled "Cradles" which came out in 2019 and became a sensation on TikTok. In 2022 Sub Urban released his first studio album titled "Hive" which had a few great collaborative songs like the one with Bella Poarch titled "Inferno".