How old is Tanner Buchanan?

Tanner Buchanan was born on 8 December 1998.
Tanner Buchanan is 25 years old.

How old is Tanner Buchanan in days now?

Tanner Buchanan is 25 years 4 months 27 days old.
Total 9,280 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tanner Buchanan?

Tanner Buchanan's next birthday is in 7 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tanner Buchanan?

Zodiac sign of Tanner Buchanan is Sagittarius.

Tanner Buchanan is a young American actor who became famous for his roles in a few TV series like Cobra Kai by Netflix and Game Shakers by Nickelodeon. Born in 1998 in Ohio, he started demonstrating his incredible talents for acting in a very early age and started appearing on professionals stage when he was a child. In 2009 his television debut took place when Tanner joined the cast for a cult TV series Modern Family. Later on he took part in producing such shows as Grey's Anatomy, The Goldbergs, Girl Meets World, The Fosters, Game Shakers, Fuller House, etc. Buchanan played the main roles in such TV series as Cobra Kai and Designated Survivor. In cinema, he is known for the roles in a few movies including Chance, Anything, Jake Squared, He's All That, etc. As of the late 2022, Tanner Buchanan is dating Lizze Broadway, who is an actress too.

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