How old is Taylor Lautner?

Taylor Lautner was born on 11 February 1992.
Taylor Lautner is 32 years old.

How old is Taylor Lautner in days now?

Taylor Lautner is 32 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 11,760 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Taylor Lautner?

Taylor Lautner's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Taylor Lautner?

Zodiac sign of Taylor Lautner is Aquarius.

Taylor Daniel Lautner is an attractive young actor and sportsman who received a huge popularity for his role of Jacob Black in Twilight. He was born in 1992 in Grand Rapids. He was interested in karate and spent hours practicing it. The boy was very successful in this sports and won a few local and national junior championships. In 2001, when he was 9 years old, he was invited to play a small role in Shadow Fury movie. This performance was followed by episodic roles in TV series like The Bernie Mac Show, My Wife and Kids, etc. In 2008 the striking moment in his career came when he was offered the role in Twilight and Twilight 2. He became a superstar of the world scale and received plenty of awards. He also starred in Abduction and dated his stage partner Lily Collins. Taylor Lautner is a huge fan of American football. In the early 2020s he started dating an actress Taylor Dome and in the late 2022 the couple got married.

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