How old is Victoria Baldesarra?

Victoria Baldesarra was born on 28 July 1998.
Victoria Baldesarra is 26 years old.

How old is Victoria Baldesarra in days now?

Victoria Baldesarra is 26 years 7 months 7 days old.
Total 9,719 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Victoria Baldesarra?

Victoria Baldesarra's next birthday is in 4 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Victoria Baldesarra?

Zodiac sign of Victoria Baldesarra is Leo.

Victoria Baldesarra is a lovely and cute TV actress known for her role in a popular TV show The Next Step. She was born in 1998 in Toronto and grew up alongside her parents and her brother. At the age of 3 she started taking numerous classes of dancing, and shortly after she was noticed by some talent scouts and started to be invited to various projects including international dance competitions. In the late 2000s she was one of the lead members of Team Canada National Dance Team. In the early 2010s Victoria joined a TV project The Next Step where she spent 7 seasons and visited a large number of countries in the world. She appeared alongside a huge number of star and celebrities. In the early 2020s she appeared in some Netflix projects. Victoria Baldesarra can be found on Instagram where she has about a half of a million subscribers, as of the mid 2024.

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