How old is Whitney Port?
Whitney Port was born on 4 March 1985.
Whitney Port is 39 years old.
How old is Whitney Port in days now?
Whitney Port is 39 years 11 months 14 days old.
Total 14,596 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Whitney Port?
Whitney Port's next birthday is in 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Whitney Port?
Zodiac sign of Whitney Port is Pisces.
Whitney Port is a TV program producer, an author and a fashion designer, born in 1985 in LA. She was raised in Jewish traditions among her 4 siblings, and her father was a fashion designer. Whitney decided to try herself in this career, and since she was 20 she started collaborating with various fashion magazines and companies. In 2006 Port took part in a popular TV project The Hills, focused on life and career of 4 successful business women. The TV show continued for 3 seasons and shortly after was transformed into another show The City. Whitney enjoyed working on the projects together with other young business ladies like Olivia Palermo and others. In 2008 Port presented her first extended serious clothing line. During the 2010s she continued working in producing TV programs dedicated to fashion design, as well as managing a few model agencies and fashion related companies. In 2015 Whitney Port got married to Tim Rosenman, one of the producers of The City, and in summer 2017 the couple became parents of their first son Sonny.