How old is Will Ferrell?

Will Ferrell was born on 16 July 1967.
Will Ferrell is 57 years old.

How old is Will Ferrell in days now?

Will Ferrell is 57 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 21,030 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Will Ferrell?

Will Ferrell's next birthday is in 5 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Will Ferrell?

Zodiac sign of Will Ferrell is Cancer.

Will Ferrell is a famous American comedian, cinema actor, writer, and producer. He was born as John William Ferrell in 1967 in California and since his childhood, he was very much interested in soccer, but his skills as a great comedian actor have started revealing themselves in his later school times when he became a master of pranks and small comedy skits. After graduating from the University of Southern California, he decided to continue as a comedy script writer, and very soon he managed to become a writer for Saturday Night Live and became a member of the comedy group The Groundlings. At the same time, Ferrell started appearing in a few comedies like Austin Powers series, A Night at the Roxbury, The Ladies Man, Drowning Mona (with Denny De Vito), Zoolander (with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson), Boat Trip, Anchorman, Tallageda Nights, Step Brothers, and so on. He contributed greatly to the activities and the content of the website Funny or Die, together with his friend Adam McKey. Will Ferrell collaborated closely with the number of other comedians, and there are plenty of his later brilliant comedies like The Other Guys, Everything Must Go, The Campaign, The Internship, Get Hard, The House, and many more. Ferrell is a big fan of sports. He is married to a Swedish actress Viveca Paulin, and the couple has three sons.

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