How old is Woojin?

Woojin was born on 8 April 1997.
Woojin is 27 years old.

How old is Woojin in days now?

Woojin is 27 years 10 months 27 days old.
Total 10,195 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Woojin?

Woojin's next birthday is in 1 month 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Woojin?

Zodiac sign of Woojin is Aries.

One of the best graduates of the JYP Entertainment system and a former member of Stray Kids, Woojin is one of the new wave Korean pop singers who managed to earn their popularity and fame on the global level. Born Kim Woojin in 1997 in South Korea, he went along the difficult path of show business stars who had to rely only on their talent and hard work on their way to the stars. As a teenager he was noticed and invited to join some educational and training programs by SM Entertainment and studied at the School of Performing Arts in Seoul before joining the programs of JYP. In 2017 he joined Stray Kids but didn't stay long as a member of the band and just a few years later he continued to develop his solo career. In 2018 he released his first his titled "Beware" followed by his first EP titled I Am Not. The early 2020s were marked for him not only by some new musical success but also by a few projects on TV so he tried himself as an actor in various TV shows in the USA. As of the early 2024, it has been announced that Woojin is about to release his studio album produced and recorded in South Korea.

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