How old is Yeji?

Yeji was born on 26 May 2000.
Yeji is 24 years old.

How old is Yeji in days now?

Yeji is 24 years 8 months 12 days old.
Total 9,023 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Yeji?

Yeji's next birthday is in 3 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Yeji?

Zodiac sign of Yeji is Gemini.

Yeji is one of the talented South Korean pop singers and performers known also as one of the frontladies of a pop band ITZY, one of the recent projects of JYP Entertainment. She was born Hwang Yeji in 2000 in South Korea and spent her childhood in the city of Wansang in Jeonju where she made her first steps in music and singing. In her childhood times she received plenty of training as a dancer and singer, with the main focus on such styles as classic hip hop and rap. As a teenager she joined a number of TV shows like The Fan (Season 5) and training programs for future stage superstars, and when she was 19 years old she became one of the ITZY girls, together with Lia, Yuna, and others. The pop group is now really popular in South Korea and recently (in the early 2024) they have released their second studio album. Yeji is a very talented performer and a singer with unique voice and appearance, so she is definitely among the most valuable members of the group.

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