How old is 6IX9INE?
6IX9INE was born on 8 May 1996.
6IX9INE is 28 years old.
How old is 6IX9INE in days now?
6IX9INE is 28 years 9 months 10 days old.
Total 10,513 days old now.
When is the next birthday of 6IX9INE?
6IX9INE's next birthday is in 2 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of 6IX9INE?
Zodiac sign of 6IX9INE is Taurus.
6IX9INE (must be read as 'six-nine') is a young American rapper and musician who has risen to fame both for his unique music and special image. He was born as Daniel Hernandez in 1996 in New York City, so he is of Puerto Rican and Mexican origin. He grew up in Bushwick, and when he was 13 years old, his father was killed, so Daniel had to start working in order to support his family. He was expelled from high school and started getting into a variety of troubles... Nevertheless, in 2014 he started his early rapping career by releasing a few songs like "Yokai", "Scumlife", "Hellsing Station", and others. 6IX9INE was attracting the attention of his peers by experimenting with his image, very often appearing with rainbow colored hair and rainbow plated teeth. More fame came to him in late 2017, with his singles "Gummo" and "Kooda". In winter of 2018, Daniel released his first mixtape Day 69. His brand new single "Tati" found itself as No 43 in Billboard 100. However, as 6IX9INE has been constantly involved in a number of legal issues linked to dealing with marijuana, sex offending, being kidnapped, etc. 6IX9INE has a popular Instagram page, with the number of followers (as of the early 2024) close to 27 million people.