How old is Alicia Keys?

Alicia Keys was born on 25 January 1981.
Alicia Keys is 44 years old.

How old is Alicia Keys in days now?

Alicia Keys is 44 years 24 days old.
Total 16,095 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Alicia Keys?

Alicia Keys's next birthday is in 11 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Alicia Keys?

Zodiac sign of Alicia Keys is Aquarius.

Alicia Keys is a talented American singer, songwriter, and music producer. She was born Alicia Augello Cook in 1981, in Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City, to an African American father and a mother of European descent. Alicia started demonstrated love and incredible talent to music in her early teen ages when she learned to play piano and started composing her own songs. She released her first studio album when she was 20 years old and it became a great success selling over 12 million copies around the world. What's more overwhelming for a debut album, it brought Keys 5 Grammy awards, and the second studio album The Diary of Alicia Key has brought her four more Grammy awards. He hit "My Boo" recorded with Usher became one of the greatest songs of the year. In the late 2000s, Alicia recorded one of the main soundtrack songs for the James Bond movie, "Another Way to Die". The albums she released during the 2010s was always extremely successful making Alicia Keys one of the most influential female R&B singers of all times. She has 15 Grammy Awards and sold over 65 million records during her musical career. The singer is also very famous and highly respected for her charity work, related primarily to protecting the rights of children, preventing poverty, hunger, and other topical social problems. Alicia Keys is married to a record producer Swizz Beatz, and the couple has 2 sons.

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