How old is Andrea Barber?
Andrea Barber was born on 3 July 1976.
Andrea Barber is 48 years old.
How old is Andrea Barber in days now?
Andrea Barber is 48 years 7 months 8 days old.
Total 17,755 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Andrea Barber?
Andrea Barber's next birthday is in 4 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Andrea Barber?
Zodiac sign of Andrea Barber is Cancer.
Andrea Barber is an American actress known for her roles in TV series Full House. She was born in 1976 in LA and grew up alongside her two elder siblings and parents. She started working as an assistant of a college administrator but was noticed by sitcom acting scouts and offered a role in a popular TV series Days Of Out Lives. Before portraying Kimmy Gebber in Full House she also appeared in the TV series like The Twilight Zone, Wonderful World of Colour and others. Starting from the late 1980s Andrea Barber was involved in various projects related to Full House where she appeared opposite Bob Saget and other actors. She was married to Jeremy Rytky and is the mother of his two children but the couple divorced in 2014.