How old is Anthony Mackie?
Anthony Mackie was born on 23 September 1978.
Anthony Mackie is 46 years old.
How old is Anthony Mackie in days now?
Anthony Mackie is 46 years 4 months 17 days old.
Total 16,941 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Anthony Mackie?
Anthony Mackie's next birthday is in 7 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Anthony Mackie?
Zodiac sign of Anthony Mackie is Libra.
Anthony Mackie is an actor who delivered quite a few great performances in a number of cult movies. Born in 1978 in New Orleans, he spent his childhood in Louisiana, alongside his parents and brother. He got interested in drama and acting in high school and began attending various courses and classes. He continued to study drama in college and other educational establishments. His debut as a professional actor took place in 2002 when he played a small roles in the movie 8 Mile starring Eminem. In the 2000s Anthony participated in producing such movies as She Hate Me, Million Dollar Baby (opposite Clint Eastwood), Freedomnald (with Samuel L Jackson and Julianne Moore), Crossover, The Hurt Locker, and Notorious where he brilliantly portrayed the late rapper Tupac Shakur. Other notable roles on Mackie include the ones in the movies Night Catches Us, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Gangster Squad, Runner Runner, Avengers and Captain America movie series, etc. He can be seen in some TV series, and also he has been appearing on Broadway stage for many years. Anthony Mackie is a winner of a few respectable awards, mainly for him portraying famous people like Martin Luther King, etc. He was married for many years to his long time girlfriend, and they have 4 children, but got divorced in 2018.