How old is BabySantana?
BabySantana was born on 14 November 2006.
BabySantana is 18 years old.
How old is BabySantana in days now?
BabySantana is 18 years 2 months 23 days old.
Total 6,659 days old now.
When is the next birthday of BabySantana?
BabySantana's next birthday is in 9 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of BabySantana?
Zodiac sign of BabySantana is Scorpio.
BabySantana is a cool and remarkable hip hop singer whose interesting style and charisma helped him to become really popular in the young age. Born Steven Lewis in 2006 in Georgia, he spent his childhood in the city of Columbus, alongside his family and friends. He has been displaying his sheer interest in music since his early childhood, and just like many young people of the modern times he started looking for the ways to promote his talents on various social media platforms. He opened his first YouTube channel in 2018 and began uploading his first videos and songs there. The first serious hit of his titled "Fell In Love" became a sensation on Sound Cloud and so did other hits of his, "Antisocial" and "Antisocial 2". He has collaborated with a large number of young rappers like Ka$hdami, Lil Tecca or Yung Fazo. He can be followed on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. BabySantana is a very ambitious young singer whose future is really bright!