How old is Bill Gates?

Bill Gates was born on 28 October 1955.
Bill Gates is 69 years old.

How old is Bill Gates in days now?

Bill Gates is 69 years 3 months 21 days old.
Total 25,316 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bill Gates?

Bill Gates's next birthday is in 8 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bill Gates?

Zodiac sign of Bill Gates is Scorpio.

William (Bill) Gates is the former General Manager but current technology adviser, as well as the main architect of the whole Microsoft system and Microsoft Corporation, which is the world's leading producer of software for personal computers. Gates is one of the richest and the most influential people on earth, a researcher and an author of many books, a social and humanitarian activist. He was born and grew up in Seattle, and basic computer programming became his main interest when he was 13 years old and studied in Lakeside School. When he became a student of Harvard, together with his friend Steve Ballmer, Gates practiced his knowledge of BASIC language and its application for the first mini PCs. In 1975, when Bill became the third year student, he decided to focus completely on the work on creating software for personal computers, and together with Paul Allen, they established Microsoft company. For many years, Bill Gates was playing a key role in the company's development, management, and world's leadership in computer programming. He was the one to make the principal strategical decisions, as well as get involved in all kinds of the company's management issues and its technological advancement.

In 2014, he stepped down from being the CEO of the company, giving these responsibilities to his longtime associate, Satya Nadella. As of the early 2020s, Gates is focused on managing Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is one of the richest private charity organizations in the US, with the total assets close to 38 billion USD. Its main mission is to promote health care and reduce poverty around the world. The institution was established by Gates together with his wife Melinda French, whom he got married to in 1994 and who is the mother of their three children. Bill Gates has been repeatedly named the richest man on the planet, with the current wealth close to 91 billion USD. In his free time, he likes reading, traveling, playing golf and bridge, etc.

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