How old is Bill Murray?

Bill Murray was born on 21 September 1950.
Bill Murray is 74 years old.

How old is Bill Murray in days now?

Bill Murray is 74 years 5 months 14 days old.
Total 27,196 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bill Murray?

Bill Murray's next birthday is in 6 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bill Murray?

Zodiac sign of Bill Murray is Virgo.

Bill Murray is an American actor and author. He is famous for his roles in Ghostbusters and The Groundhog Day. Born in 1950 in Illinois he grew up in one of the neighborhoods of Chicago, as a part of a crowded Catholic family. In high school, Murray was a lead singer of a band, but he was not interested in acting much. In the early 1970s he joined his elder brother Brian in his radio programs, and soon he became one of the teams of Saturday Night Live. Murray was the writer and the performer of his comedy sketches and even won Emmy award for his work. His cinema debut took place in 1979, with the movie Meatballs, a comedy by Ivan Reitman, who collaborated with Murray in the following movies Stripes and the epic Ghostbusters. Murray starred in such movies as Tootsie (with Dustin Hoffman), Scrooged, What About Bob?, Quick Change, and two cult movies, The Groundhog Day and The Rushmore. In 2004 he took part in Sophia Coppola's movie Lost in Translation (with Scarlett Johanson and Anna Faris), which brought him the Golden Globe Award. Later movies of Bill Murray include Hyde Park on Hudson, St.Vincent, The Monuments Men (with George Clooney and Matt Damon). The actor was married twice and has 6 sons. He is a huge fan of sports and supports baseball, American football, and basketball teams of Chicago.

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