How old is Capri Everitt?
Capri Everitt was born on 30 August 2004.
Capri Everitt is 20 years old.
How old is Capri Everitt in days now?
Capri Everitt is 20 years 5 months 12 days old.
Total 7,470 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Capri Everitt?
Capri Everitt's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Capri Everitt?
Zodiac sign of Capri Everitt is Virgo.
Capri Everitt is a young singer and a very lovely young lady who has a charming voice and has been promoting her singles on various online platforms. Born in 2004 in Canada, she grew up alongside her parents and brother Bowen. She spent her early childhood studying, learning to sing and dance, as well as enjoying this life and spending a lot of time with her friends. Capri is a very outgoing person, and she was noticed by talent scouts in the late 2010s. By that time she had already had a popular TikTok channel where everyone could find plenty of interesting videos of hers related to dancing, singing, comedy, as well as a few very interesting collaborations with TikTok stars. In particular, one of the most popular videos of Capri Everitt is the one on which she is dancing together with her mom and Addison Rae, a prime star of TikTok. As of the mid 2023, there are about 500 thousand fans on her TikTok channel. She is famous as a hold of The Guinness Book Record as the person who sang the most anthems in the host countries in one year, the number is 80.