How old is Carrie Underwood?
Carrie Underwood was born on 10 March 1983.
Carrie Underwood is 41 years old.
How old is Carrie Underwood in days now?
Carrie Underwood is 41 years 10 months 28 days old.
Total 15,310 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Carrie Underwood?
Carrie Underwood's next birthday is in 1 month 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Carrie Underwood?
Zodiac sign of Carrie Underwood is Pisces.
Carrie Underwood is an American singer and one of the winners of American Idol TV competition. She is also known as country music queen and one of the best selling country music singers and songwriters of all times. Born Carrie Marie Fisher in 1983 in Oklahoma, Carrie has been showing an amazing talent for singing since her early ages. When she was 14, one of her friends arranged her an audition for Capitol Records, but her real professional success started when Carrie managed to get a place in American Idol national contest which she won in spring 2005. Her first album released the same year became the best selling country music debut album in the whole history, and her second album brought Carrie two Grammy awards. She has released 6 studio albums so far and made a few really successful and memorable tours in the US and Europe. Carrie holds a number of records and is considered to be the most successful American Idol winner. She has 7 Grammy awards, 10 Billboard Music Awards, as well as a large number of other awards. Carrie Underwood is married to a Canadian ice-hockey player and the couple has 2 children. She is a big animal lover and a vegan who was a few times voted "the Sexiest Vegan of the World".