How old is Charo?

Charo was born on 15 January 1951.
Charo is 74 years old.

How old is Charo in days now?

Charo is 74 years 23 days old.
Total 27,052 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Charo?

Charo's next birthday is in 11 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Charo?

Zodiac sign of Charo is Capricorn.

A very popular nowadays American actress and musician of Hispanic origins, Charo (the full name María del Rosario Mercedes Pilar Martínez Molina Baeza) was born in 1951 in Spain. She is famous as an actress, a comedian, a flamenco guitarist, and a celebrity with provocative image and famous Cuchi Cuchi lifestyle ideas. She has changed her birth date in order to marry Xavier Cugat, a singer and a musician, who promised to give young Charo a chance to get American citizenship. The marriage lasted for 12 years though. Since her childhood, Charo was in love with the classic guitar and started learning to play it when she was only 4. She is considered to be one of the world's best female classic guitar players, and she has received this title from Guitar Player magazine twice. She developed her career as an American national TV personality, a comedian, and later on as a dancer. In 2008, her single "Espanya Cani" that she recorded with Universal Wave Records became platinum. Charo's son Shel Rasten is also in love with flamenco and is becoming a celebrity: recently he took part in famous TV project Dancing With the Stars.

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