How old is Chevy Chase?

Chevy Chase was born on 8 October 1943.
Chevy Chase is 80 years old.

How old is Chevy Chase in days now?

Chevy Chase is 80 years 6 months 24 days old.
Total 29,427 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Chevy Chase?

Chevy Chase's next birthday is in 5 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chevy Chase?

Zodiac sign of Chevy Chase is Libra.

Chevy Chase is a talented American comedian and author, who contributed in modern comedy with a few dozens of interesting roles in cinema movies. He was born in 1943 in New York to the family of a book editor and a pianist. He grew up in Woodstock and studied in a school in Riverdale. He was interested in music and played drums in a local band. Writing comedy sketches was his second hobby, and soon he was noticed by comedy writer community and invited to join Channel One team. In the mid-1970s Chase started writing for Saturday Night Live, performing his stand up shows as a comedian and getting to know other popular comedians. His first roles in the cinema were in the movies of the mid-1970s, and for his role in Foul Play where he starred with amazing Goldie Hawn, Chase was nominated for the Golden Globe Award. He is known for his roles in Fletch movie series, Caddyshack series, Seems Like Old Times (with Goldie Hawn), Three Amigos (with Steve Martin), Memoirs of an Invisible Man, Last Action Hero, Man of the House, Vegas Vacation, Orange County, and so on. In 1993 he became a conductor of his own Chevy Chase Show, but just after 5 weeks, the show was canceled due to the unexpectedly low number of viewers. In the early 2010 the comedian appeared in a TV series Community. Chevy Chase is a social and political activist, who takes part in a number of charity related projects. He was married three times and has three children.

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