How old is Chloe Bennet?
Chloe Bennet was born on 18 April 1992.
Chloe Bennet is 32 years old.
How old is Chloe Bennet in days now?
Chloe Bennet is 32 years 9 months 19 days old.
Total 11,982 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chloe Bennet?
Chloe Bennet's next birthday is in 2 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chloe Bennet?
Zodiac sign of Chloe Bennet is Aries.
Chloe Bennet (Wang) is a talented singer and actress of Chinese and American origins. Born in 1992 in Chicago, she spent her early years alongside her parents and her six brothers, some of them were adopted. When Chloe was a young teenager, she moved to China in order to improve her singing skills and try herself as a singer. She got some great training in singing and studied Mandarin language there. In the early 2010s she moved back to California and recorded her first singles including "Every Day In Between". In addition to recording songs, Bennet started talking part in filming some TV shows like The Nightlife, Nashville, and finally Agents of SHIELD which made her famous. In the late 2010s she gave her voice to a few animated movie characters, as well as gave voice to Daisy Johnson in Marvel Rising. Chloe Bennet appeared in a musical Valley Girl, alongside Peyton List and Logan Paul. She is known as a girl who dated Logan Paul.