How old is Chris Tucker?
Chris Tucker was born on 31 August 1971.
Chris Tucker is 53 years old.
How old is Chris Tucker in days now?
Chris Tucker is 53 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 19,523 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chris Tucker?
Chris Tucker's next birthday is in 6 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chris Tucker?
Zodiac sign of Chris Tucker is Virgo.
Chris Tucker is an amazingly talented and popular comedian, actor and showman. He was born in 1971 in Atlanta and grew up there in a large family, alongside his 6 siblings. Humor has been a key part of his life since childhood, and Chris started thinking about becoming a comedian in his early teen ages. With this idea in his mind, in the late 1980s he moved to LA and shortly after began appearing in various comedy and entertainment related circles. His TV debut was in an HBO series Def Comedy Jam, and in 1994 he first appeared in a cinema movie House Party 2. The 1990s were really successful in his career when he took part in the movies like Money Talks with Charlie Sheen, Friday and finally The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich, as well as Jackie Brown of Quentin Tarantino. Later on, he continued with an outstanding movie series Rush Hour, as well as some sequels of the movie Friday. During the 2010s Chris Tucker was rather focused on doing stand-up comedy and taking part in some TV projects. Recently, he hasn't been too active and hasn't taken part in many public activities.