How old is Cyndi Lauper?

Cyndi Lauper was born on 22 June 1953.
Cyndi Lauper is 71 years old.

How old is Cyndi Lauper in days now?

Cyndi Lauper is 71 years 7 months 18 days old.
Total 26,165 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cyndi Lauper?

Cyndi Lauper's next birthday is in 4 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cyndi Lauper?

Zodiac sign of Cyndi Lauper is Cancer.

Cyndi Lauper is a famous pop singer with a few absolutely recognizable hits like "Time After Time" or "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", as well as many others. Born in 1953 in NYC, she grew up in the family of Swiss German parents, alongside her elder sister Ellen and her younger brother Fred. Cyndi started writing songs when she was 12 and mastered the acoustic guitar presented to her by her sister. She spent the 1970s singing with different bands as the lead vocalist, mainly performing covers of the songs by Led Zeppelin and such. Her professional career started in the early 1980 when she made her first professional recordings with her own band called Blue Angels. Her debut album titled She's So Unusual broke a lot of records and made Lauper win the award of the Best New Artist. She continued to record a few soundtracks and in the early 1990s released a few powerful hits like "That's What I Think". In addition to her distinctive voice and music, many fans loved her edgy clothing and bright hair color. During her career that lasted for over 40 years she has sold over 50 million hits and released 11 solo albums as well as won a number of Emmys, Grammys, MTV Awards, and other ones. She is definitely among the most influential and successful female pop singers of the last 50 years. Cyndi Lauper is married to an American actor David Thornton and the couple has a son.

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