How old is Dave Franco?
Dave Franco was born on 12 June 1985.
Dave Franco is 39 years old.
How old is Dave Franco in days now?
Dave Franco is 39 years 8 months 6 days old.
Total 14,496 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Dave Franco?
Dave Franco's next birthday is in 3 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dave Franco?
Zodiac sign of Dave Franco is Gemini.
Dave Franco is an actor born in 1985 in California. His parents are highly educated people, and little Dave wasn't even thinking about becoming an actor because his parents wanted him to be a scholar or a university professor. Eventually, he studied teaching creative writing at the University of Southern California, but his brother invited him to take a few lessons in an acting studio. In 2006, Dave was invited to join The 7th Heaven TV series, and that is how his professional acting career started. He played in such TV series as Greek, Do Not Disturb, Privileged, Scrubs, Other Space, Easy and others. The list of his movies is quite long, with the best roles of his in such movies as Superbad, Milk (with Sean Penn and Josh Brolin), Charlie St. Cloud, Fight Night (with Anton Yelchin and Colin Farrel), Now You See Me series, Neighbours series, Unfinished Business (with Vince Vaughn), Nerve, The Disaster Artist, 6 Balloons, and many others. Dave Franco is married to an actress Alison Brie, known for her role in a comedy TV series Community.