How old is DEDE 3X?
DEDE 3X was born on 15 February 2006.
DEDE 3X is 19 years old.
How old is DEDE 3X in days now?
DEDE 3X is 19 years 20 days old.
Total 6,960 days old now.
When is the next birthday of DEDE 3X?
DEDE 3X's next birthday is in 11 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of DEDE 3X?
Zodiac sign of DEDE 3X is Aquarius.
A young and really charismatic rapper, DEDE 3X has reached his fame on a few social media platforms including YouTube. Born in 2006 in Louisiana, he was raised in a friendly family, alongside his two elder siblings. He started free styling when he was 7 years old, and when he was 11, he became a member of a hip hop group named The Bad Kids, together with his two friends Tray and Woo. Though the members of the group change quite often, the official channel of the group has a large number of the followers. At the same time, DEDE 3X has been trying to pursue his solo career and promoting his personal YouTube channel. In the social network community he is known as YOUNG22, Funny Mike, 22 Savage, and some other nicknames.