How old is Elizabeth Gillies?
Elizabeth Gillies was born on 26 July 1993.
Elizabeth Gillies is 31 years old.
How old is Elizabeth Gillies in days now?
Elizabeth Gillies is 31 years 6 months 12 days old.
Total 11,519 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Elizabeth Gillies?
Elizabeth Gillies's next birthday is in 5 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Elizabeth Gillies?
Zodiac sign of Elizabeth Gillies is Leo.
Elizabeth Gillies is an American musician and actress. She was born in 1993 in New Jersey and her grandparents were of Irish and Italian origins. In the mid-2000s she was discovered by TV commercial scouts and began appearing in advertisements including the ones of cell phone operators. In 2007 Liz appeared in a few episodes of The Black Donnellys, and the next year she had successful TV film debut as an actress, in the films Harold and The Clique. Gillies started appearing on Broadway in the musical 13. In 2010 she managed to obtain the main role in TV series Victorious, which she combined with working as a part of Winx Club animated series. In 2015-2016 Liz became popular with the main role in Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll TV series. Currently, she is involved in Dynasty as one of the main characters, Fallon Carrington. Among her notable cinema roles, the ones in Animal and Vacation (with Christina Applegate and Chris Hemsworth) can be mentioned. As a musician, Elizabeth Gillies recorded a dozen of great songs and videos, which include her collaboration with Ariana Grande.