How old is Christina Applegate?

Christina Applegate was born on 25 November 1971.
Christina Applegate is 53 years old.

How old is Christina Applegate in days now?

Christina Applegate is 53 years 2 months 24 days old.
Total 19,444 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Christina Applegate?

Christina Applegate's next birthday is in 9 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Christina Applegate?

Zodiac sign of Christina Applegate is Sagittarius.

Christina Applegate is a known American actress and dancer who rose to fame as a teenage actress by playing one of the lead roles in a very popular comedy sitcom Married... With Children. She was born in 1971 in California and both of her parents had to do with music and singing. Prior to her famous role of Kelly Bundy, Christina appeared in a number of movies and TV movies like Beatlemania, Charles in Charge, etc. In 1987-1997 Applegate was involved in Married... With Children project, which brought her recognition and a large number of awards. She was invited to take part in many TV programs and other shows. Following her success in Married... With Children, Applegate starred in a few cinema projects like Don't Tell Mum that the Babysitter Is Dead, Wild Bill (with Jeff Bridges), Mars Attacks! (with Jack Nicholson), The Sweetest Thing (with Cameron Diaz), Anchorman series (with Will Ferrell), Hall Pass (with Owen Wilson), Bad Moms, Vacation, and others. Many times Christina Applegate appeared on the Broadway stage and took part in a large number of charity programs. She is married and has a daughter. Applegate is a vegetarian and is a winner of the battle against breast cancer.

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