How old is Elliot Page?
Elliot Page was born on 21 February 1987.
Elliot Page is 37 years old.
How old is Elliot Page in days now?
Elliot Page is 37 years 11 months 21 days old.
Total 13,870 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Elliot Page?
Elliot Page's next birthday is in 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Elliot Page?
Zodiac sign of Elliot Page is Pisces.
Elliot Page is a Canadian transgender actor known for some roles in popular cinema movies. Born Ellen Page in 1987 in Nova Scotia, he grew up as a female and attended the Halifax Grammar School. Acting has been Elliot's passion since her was 4, and when he was 10, he was invited to take part in a TV movie Pit Pony which was his professional acting debut. It followed by taking part in the same name TV series. His other projects on TV include the famous series The Umbrella Academy and Gaycation, as well as ReGenesis, Ghost Cat, I Downloaded a Ghost, and some others. Page started appearing in cinema movies in the early 2000s and her first serious role was in the movies Hard Candy and Moth To Moth which came out in 2005. Two years later his excellent performance in the movie Juno attracted a lot of public attention and made Elliot famous way beyond his home country. He took part in shooting such movies as An American Crime, Whip It, Peacock (alongside Susan Sarandon), Inception (with Leonardo DiCaprio), The East, Into The Forest, Tallulah, My Days of Mercy, Flatiners, and so on. In December 2020 Elliot Page came out as a transgender revealing his new name. He was married to Emma Portner, a dance, but the couple divorced in 2021.