How old is Fergie?
Fergie was born on 27 March 1975.
Fergie is 49 years old.
How old is Fergie in days now?
Fergie is 49 years 10 months 13 days old.
Total 18,217 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Fergie?
Fergie's next birthday is in 1 month 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Fergie?
Zodiac sign of Fergie is Aries.
Fergie is a famous pop singer and the lead singer of an iconic band The Black Eyed Peas. Born Stacy Ann Ferguson in 1975 in California, she grew up in LA and was an active teenager. She was a cheerleader and a scout as well as a big fan of music and singing. As a teenager, she took part in some projects organized by Kids Incorporated, and in the early 1990s, became a member of all girls band named Wild Orchid, which became a basis for the later foundation of The Black Eyed Peas. The early 2000s became the peak of the popularity of TBEP and the band had plenty of successful tours, recorded a large number of hits and plenty of popular video clips. Starting from the mid-2000s, Fergie started her solo career and began recording her solo albums. Her albums Dutchess and Double Dutchess became platinum and were very warmly met by the fans of the band. In recent years, she has been performing as a solo singer and taking part in various projects. Fergie was married to Josh Duhamel, a famous American actor, and the couple has a son. They got divorced in 2019.