How old is Grant Knoche?
Grant Knoche was born on 23 August 2002.
Grant Knoche is 22 years old.
How old is Grant Knoche in days now?
Grant Knoche is 22 years 5 months 19 days old.
Total 8,208 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Grant Knoche?
Grant Knoche's next birthday is in 6 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Grant Knoche?
Zodiac sign of Grant Knoche is Virgo.
Grant Knoche is a young singer and actor who is known for his roles in TV series for teenagers, as well as for his songs. Grant was born in 2002 in Texas and brought up alongside his brother. Music has been the main passion of Grant since his early childhood so when he was years old his parents sent him to singing and dancing classes. When Grant was 12 years old he became a member of Kids Bop, a famous group of singing kids. He took part in a large number of TV projects and appeared in TV series like Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn, as well as TV series of the Brat, Total Eclipse and Chicken Girls.In the late 2010s, together with his brother and father, Grant created a band named Fly Away Hero. They released a few singles like Emotions, Downpour and others. In 2019 Grant Knoche and his band took part in a few tours with other pop singers like Aaron Carter, etc.