How old is Isaiah R. HIll?
Isaiah R. HIll was born on 2 October 2002.
Isaiah R. HIll is 22 years old.
How old is Isaiah R. HIll in days now?
Isaiah R. HIll is 22 years 4 months 16 days old.
Total 8,175 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Isaiah R. HIll?
Isaiah R. HIll's next birthday is in 7 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Isaiah R. HIll?
Zodiac sign of Isaiah R. HIll is Libra.
Isaiah R.Hill is a great actor and a social media star whose popularity has been recently growing after his great performance in a few popular TV series. He was born in 2002 in New Jersey, to the family of Felicia and Malaney Hill, and he grew up in Harlem alongside his two brothers and numerous friends. As a young child, Isaiah took part in a lot of modeling and behind the scenes projects, supported also by his aunt Laura Hill who is a hip hop singer. His debut as a professional actor took place in one of the episodes on Sesame Street. In his early teen ages, Hill started getting interested in sports and began playing soccer, American football, and especially basketball, which he proved to be quite good at. In the late 2010s he even appeared in a few TV shows related to basketball, followed by amazing performance of Isaiah in a popular movie Swagger which was later on watched by millions of basketball fans all around the world and mage Isaiah R. Hill famous. In the early 2020s he continues taking various public steps on popularization of this game. He can be found on Instagram where he has been sharing plenty of photos of his life and trips.