How old is Jacob Whitesides?

Jacob Whitesides was born on 11 November 1997.
Jacob Whitesides is 27 years old.

How old is Jacob Whitesides in days now?

Jacob Whitesides is 27 years 2 months 27 days old.
Total 9,950 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jacob Whitesides?

Jacob Whitesides's next birthday is in 9 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jacob Whitesides?

Zodiac sign of Jacob Whitesides is Scorpio.

Jacob Whitesides is an American singer and musician who rose to fame as a YouTuber and a participant of one of the early seasons of The X-Factor. He was born in 1997 in Knoxville and grew up alongside his younger sister who also loves music very much. He started playing and recording his sings when he was a very young teenager, and he joined the auditions for The X-Factor reality TV show when he was only 14 years old. Jacob made it to the program but could not qualify to the final 16. In 2014 he released his first EP and became a very popular young musician in Knoxville, his hometown. In 2015 he released two more EPs, with singles like "Secrets", "I Know What You Did Last Summer", and others. Since 2015 Whitesides has been touring in and beyond Tennessee, thus expanding the number of his fans. In 2016 he released his first studio album titled Why? which managed to rise to the 25th line in American charts of newly released albums of that month. Jacob Whitesides is a multi-instrumentalist who plays drums, guitars, and ukulele. For about a year he dated Bea Miller, one of the participants of The X Factor, but they broke up.

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