How old is Jonghyun?

Jonghyun was born on 8 April 1990. Jonghyun died on 18 December 2017 at the age of 27 years.

What was the exact age of Jonghyun?

Jonghyun's exact age was 27 years 8 months 10 days old. Jonghyun lived for total 10,116 days.

What would be the age of Jonghyun if alive?

Jonghyun's exact age would be 34 years 9 months 30 days old if alive. Total 12,724 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jonghyun?

Zodiac sign of Jonghyun is Aries.

Jonghyun was a famous and very talented South Korean singer known for his expressive musical style and distinctive voice. Born Kim Jong-hyun in 1990 in Seoul, he was interested in music and singing from his early years. He taught himself to play the guitar and started his musical life by playing bass guitar in one of the school bands. When he was 16 years old, Jonghun signed his first contract with the music producing company, and in 2008 became one of the lead singers of the popular Korean boys' band named Shinee. He spent 9 successful years as the band member and has recorded a large number of hits, gave many striking stage performances and has taken part in plenty of TV shows and overseas projects. In 2016 he released his first solo album and began trying himself as a solo singer and actor as well. In November 2017 Jonghyun lost hist life as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. He was only 27 years old...

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