How old is Julia Michaels?
Julia Michaels was born on 13 November 1993.
Julia Michaels is 31 years old.
How old is Julia Michaels in days now?
Julia Michaels is 31 years 3 months 22 days old.
Total 11,437 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Julia Michaels?
Julia Michaels's next birthday is in 8 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Julia Michaels?
Zodiac sign of Julia Michaels is Scorpio.
Julia Michaels is an American musician and singer known for her hits. Born Julia Carin Cavazos in 1993 in Iowa, to the family of Mexican and Puerto Rican origins. Together with her parents and sister, Julia spent her childhood in California where she started taking her first musical lessons, as well as singing and writing her first songs. In the early 2010s she began writing seriously and has even managed to write a song for Demi Lovato followed by her collaboration with such stars as Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Selena Gomez, Shawn Mendez, Gwen Stefanie, and many others. Inspired by her success as a songwriter, in the mid 2010s Michaels decided to try singing and closer to the later years of the decades her hits like "Issues", "If The World Was Ending", "I Miss You", and many others. Juila Michaels has received plenty of awards including two Grammies and a number of MTV and MTV associated awards. She is an active Instagram star, with the number of the subscribers (as of the late 2024) close to 2 million people.