How old is Justin Timberlake?

Justin Timberlake was born on 31 January 1981.
Justin Timberlake is 44 years old.

How old is Justin Timberlake in days now?

Justin Timberlake is 44 years 18 days old.
Total 16,089 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Justin Timberlake?

Justin Timberlake's next birthday is in 11 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Justin Timberlake?

Zodiac sign of Justin Timberlake is Aquarius.

Justin Timberlake is one of the top popular American singers and songwriters, who tried himself on the fields of acting, dancing, and producing as well. He is considered to be among the most highly paid and most successful figures of the world's show business for the moment. He was born in 1981 in Tennessee, to a family of music enthusiasts (his father was one of the managers of a local Baptist church choir), and Justin spent his childhood with his grandpa who played guitar, loved country music and gospels. When Justin was 11, he was invited to participate in Star Search TV show, which became his first serious TV appearance. In 1989, Justin took part in another popular show, The All New Mickey Mouse Club, where he starred alongside with Christina Aguilera, Ryan Gosling, Britney Spears, etc. His professional musical career started with the band NSYNC. Justin was writing songs and developing himself as a future stage star with this band, as well as spending a lot of time with his celebrity friends like Britney Spears and others. When the band split up, he continued as a solo singer, and his first album was released in 2002. One of his following albums brought him a Grammy Award for the best pop male vocals. Justin Timberlake has a few excellent roles in cinema movies, including his work with Mila Kunis in the film Friends With Benefits. In 2012 he got married to Jessica Biel, a famous actress known for her performance in Transformers, and the couple has a lovely son. Justin is a huge fan of sports, especially basketball, he collects sneakers and very often can be noticed attending important basketball games.

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