How old is Kali Uchis?

Kali Uchis was born on 17 July 1994.
Kali Uchis is 29 years old.

How old is Kali Uchis in days now?

Kali Uchis is 29 years 9 months 2 days old.
Total 10,869 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kali Uchis?

Kali Uchis's next birthday is in 2 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kali Uchis?

Zodiac sign of Kali Uchis is Cancer.

Kali Uchis is a successful and really talented R&B singer known for a few hits of hers. Born Karly-Marina Loaiza in 1994 in Virginia, she spent her childhood in a large family since both of her parents had children from their previous marriages. She used to spent her summer vacations in Columbia and had many friends there. In her high school times she started getting seriously interested in music and learned to play saxophone and piano. She started her professional career in a jazz band and recorded her first mixtape in the early 2010s. Her debut EP was released in 2015, and her first studio album came out in 2018, titled Isolation. The next studio album was released in 2020 and it has a few hits like "Telepatia" and "Non Eres Tu". She is a known philanthropist and a singer who has hundreds of concerts a year. Kali Uchis is also a poet and the winner of a Grammy Award in 2021. 

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