How old is Karlie Kloss?

Karlie Kloss was born on 3 August 1992.
Karlie Kloss is 32 years old.

How old is Karlie Kloss in days now?

Karlie Kloss is 32 years 6 months 8 days old.
Total 11,880 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Karlie Kloss?

Karlie Kloss's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Karlie Kloss?

Zodiac sign of Karlie Kloss is Leo.

Karlie Elizabeth Kloss is a model and actress who is constantly appearing in various fashion shows and fashion weeks by famous cosmetics and clothing producing companies. Kloss is considered to be among 30 most famous and successful models of the modern times. She was born and grew up in Chicago alongside her three sisters. She is of Danish, German, and American origin. Karlie started modeling when she was a teenager upon she signed up with Abercrombie and Fitch. Since 2001 she regularly took part in Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows and collaborated closely with such companies as Dior, Lacoste, Donna Karan, Nike, and some others. Karlie Kloss is a good friend of Taylor Swift, Kendall Jenner, and Cara Delevigne. For many years she dated Joshua Kushner, a businessman, and the couple said their wedding vows in October 2018.

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