How old is Kesha?
Kesha was born on 1 March 1987.
Kesha is 37 years old.
How old is Kesha in days now?
Kesha is 37 years 11 months 8 days old.
Total 13,860 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kesha?
Kesha's next birthday is in 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kesha?
Zodiac sign of Kesha is Pisces.
Kesha is a famous American rapper, singer, musician, and songwriter. Born Kesha Rose Sebert in 1987 in California, she and her elder brother were brought up by her single mum who had to do with singing and music. Kesha started demonstrating her talents in singing quite early and took a lot of singing and songwriting classes. When she was 18 she signed up with a recording company and shortly after became popular as a hip hop singer, as well as appeared in a few movies. Her first studio album came out in the early 2010s and received a very warm reception, with a famous single of hers titled "TikTok" which is considered to be among the best selling digital singles of all time. As of the early 2024, Kesha has released 4 studio albums and took part in plenty of tours. In the mid-2010s, she was involved in various scandals and returned to the media world only in the late years of the decade.