How old is Kris Collins?
Kris Collins was born on 1 July 1996.
Kris Collins is 28 years old.
How old is Kris Collins in days now?
Kris Collins is 28 years 7 months 6 days old.
Total 10,448 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kris Collins?
Kris Collins's next birthday is in 4 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kris Collins?
Zodiac sign of Kris Collins is Cancer.
A Canadian TikTok star, Kris Collins was born in 1996 in Abbotsford and grew up there, alongside her elder sister, parents and grandparents. In her early years she was a sociable and very lovely girl, so it was easy for her to make friends and meet new people. Her late childhood was pretty typical for a millennial teenager, with plenty of time spent at school and in front of her computer. He opened her first social media accounts in her late teen ages but she wasn't really active. After finishing college she started working in a beauty business. During the lock-down linked to the COVID-19, Kris opened her first TikTok channel and began posting various comedy related stuff there. In a very short period of time she became really popular and it took her just a few months to attract over 1 million followers. As of the early 2024, there are about 50 million subscribers following her channel and enjoying the hilarious stuff that she has been posting! Kris Collins names Jim Carrey and Robin Williams as her models in comedy. Currently, she is dating Oompaville, a YouTube star.