How old is Lexi Drew?

Lexi Drew was born on 21 December 2003.
Lexi Drew is 20 years old.

How old is Lexi Drew in days now?

Lexi Drew is 20 years 3 months 28 days old.
Total 7,424 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lexi Drew?

Lexi Drew's next birthday is in 8 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lexi Drew?

Zodiac sign of Lexi Drew is Sagittarius.

Lexi Drew is a cool American rapper, dancer and actress, as well as social media star known as one of the characters of a popular online series Hyperlinked. Born in 2003 in the US, she was raised by her parents, alongside her two siblings, a sister and a brother. In her childhood she received some proper training in dancing and used to dream about becoming a professional dancer for many years. She started singing professionally in her early teen ages and became a member of an all-girls bans L2M which recorded a song titled "Girlz". Lexi has also recorded her first solo singer named "FFL" as a collaboration with Greg Marks. She has a popular Instagram page, with the number of followers as of the late 2023 is close to a half of million followers. Lexi Drew has hew own clothing line and is extremely interested in designing clothes for her peers.

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