How old is Luke Combs?

Luke Combs was born on 2 March 1990.
Luke Combs is 34 years old.

How old is Luke Combs in days now?

Luke Combs is 34 years 11 months 9 days old.
Total 12,765 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Luke Combs?

Luke Combs's next birthday is in 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Luke Combs?

Zodiac sign of Luke Combs is Pisces.

Luke Combs is a country singer who rose to fame as a child singer. He was born in 1990 in North Carolina and was brought up by his parents as the only child. He spent his early years in Ashenville and was only 8 when he started taking part in the performances of the local choir. In the early 2010 he went to study at Appalachian State University and at the same time used to work as a bouncer in different bars. In 2014 he started his professional career as a singer after moving to Nashville, signing up with a recording company, and releaseing his first single titled "Hurricane". His first studio album came out in 2017, it was called This One's For You and it had some great success as it was supported by his personal and supporting tours. In the late 2010 he released one more album, and two more came out in 2022 and 2023. In 2022 he received the award of the Entertainer of the Year, and in the current decade many of his songs appeared in the top charts of Billboard. Luke Combs is married and has two sons, with the youngest coming to this world in the summer of 2023.

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