How old is Mackenzie Foy?
Mackenzie Foy was born on 10 November 2000.
Mackenzie Foy is 24 years old.
How old is Mackenzie Foy in days now?
Mackenzie Foy is 24 years 3 months 8 days old.
Total 8,866 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mackenzie Foy?
Mackenzie Foy's next birthday is in 8 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mackenzie Foy?
Zodiac sign of Mackenzie Foy is Scorpio.
Mackenzie Foy is a lovely and very talented actress who became famous for her role in an epic movie series The Twilight. She was born in 2000 in the US and spent her early years in California, in a poor family or a driver and a housewife. Mackenie was a really cute and charming child, so when she was 3 she was noticed by talent scouts and invited to take part in various modeling related projects, mainly some local commercials and business promotional campaigns for the companies like Polo Ralph Loren, Vinnie the Pooh, etc. As a young child, Foy loved acting and was ready to do anything possible to become a successful actress. When she was 9, she appeared on TV in a number of TV series, and in the early 2011 she portrayed Renesmee Cullen in the final part of The Twilight movie series. The middle of the decade was marked for Mackenzie by taking part in shooting the movies like The Conjuring, Wish You Well, as well as gave voice to some characters of animated projects The Little Prince, The Boxcard Children, Ernest And Celestine, etc. She had a small role in a cult movie Interstellar where she appeared alongside Matthew McConaughey. Her latest works include the main role in the movie The Nutcracker And The Four Realms (with Keira Knightey) and Black Beauty. Mackenzie Foy won a good number of prestigious awards for young actors including Saturn Award.