How old is Marcus Gunnarsen?

Marcus Gunnarsen was born on 21 February 2002.
Marcus Gunnarsen is 22 years old.

How old is Marcus Gunnarsen in days now?

Marcus Gunnarsen is 22 years 11 months 17 days old.
Total 8,387 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Marcus Gunnarsen?

Marcus Gunnarsen's next birthday is in 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Marcus Gunnarsen?

Zodiac sign of Marcus Gunnarsen is Pisces.

Marcus Gunnarsen is a Norwegian prodigy singer who is famous as a part of Marcus and Martinus duo with his twin brother Martinus Gunnarsen. The boys were born in 2002 in a small town of Norway and grew up in an ordinary family, alongside their sister Emma. The two boys started showing their talent for singing in their very early ages and in 2012 they took part in the Melodi Grand Prix Competition. After the success of the boys in the competition, their singles became really popular in their country. In 2015 they recorded their first studio album, and in 2017 Martinus and Marcus Gunnarsen received a title of the best young singers in the country as well as received 2017 Norwegian Grammy Awards. Later on they supported Jason Derulo in his tour. The boys have also written two books about their life which immediately became best sellers in Norway.

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