How old is Mark Wahlberg?

Mark Wahlberg was born on 5 June 1971.
Mark Wahlberg is 53 years old.

How old is Mark Wahlberg in days now?

Mark Wahlberg is 53 years 8 months 2 days old.
Total 19,606 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Mark Wahlberg?

Mark Wahlberg's next birthday is in 3 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Mark Wahlberg?

Zodiac sign of Mark Wahlberg is Gemini.

Mark Wahlberg is a famous actor and former musician known for his roles in a few very popular movies. He was born in 1971 in Boston and grew up in a very large family, alongside his 8 elder siblings and their parents. As his parents divorced when Mark was 11, his teenage years can be considered to be difficult since he was growing up on his own and got involved in the criminal world of Boston. However, he started his career as a musician in the early 1990s and with his band, he has recorded two studio albums. His cinema debut took place in the mid-1990s when he appeared in the movies Renaissance Man and The Basketball Diaries where he starred near Leonardo DiCaprio. So far Wahlberg has appeared in over 50 movies, with the best roles in such movies as Transformers, Planet of the Apes, Invincible, Ma Payne, Ted, 2 Guns, Entourage, Instant Family, and many others. He is also known as a TV personality, for his roles in TV series Entourage and Wahlburgers. Mark Wahlberg is one of the founders of the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation which supports various educational and developmental organizations for the American young people.

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