How old is Melanie Martinez?

Melanie Martinez was born on 28 April 1995.
Melanie Martinez is 28 years old.

How old is Melanie Martinez in days now?

Melanie Martinez is 28 years 11 months 23 days old.
Total 10,585 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Melanie Martinez?

Melanie Martinez's next birthday is in 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Melanie Martinez?

Zodiac sign of Melanie Martinez is Taurus.

Melanie Martinez is a young American singer who came to public attention as a participant in popular American reality talent show, The Voice, due to her extraordinary image. Melanie Adele Martinez was born in 1995 in Queens. When she was a child, she used to listen to a lot of really various kinds of music, from the Beatles to Britney Spears, from Tupac Shakur to Christina Aguilera. In her early school years, she was taking singing classes and was very good at painting. When Melanie was 14 she learned to play guitar and became sure that she is going to develop her career as a musician. In 2012, she was auditioned for The Voice show with a song of Britney Spears, and all three judges wanted her on their teams. However, her path in the contest was not too bright and she was eliminated in the 7th round. Right after that Melanie Martinez released her single "Dollhouse" and her debut album Cry Baby (2015), with a few singles from it like  "Pity Party" and "Dollhouse" becoming platinum. She is one of the brightest stars of American reality shows.

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