How old is Mila Marwah?
Mila Marwah was born on 14 February 2018.
Mila Marwah is 7 years old.
How old is Mila Marwah in days now?
Mila Marwah is 7 years 4 days old.
Total 2,561 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mila Marwah?
Mila Marwah's next birthday is in 11 months 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mila Marwah?
Zodiac sign of Mila Marwah is Aquarius.
A lovely daughter of the Anasala family, Mila Marwah is among the most popular Internet celebrity children. Born in 2018 in Canada to the family of Asala Maleh and Anas Marwah, Mila became the first child and the only daughter so far. She is growing up in Ottawa alongside her parents and her younger brother Noah. Since the early days of her life Mila has been taking part in the videos made by her parents who have been running their family channel since 2017. This family YouTube channel is titled The Anasala Family and it is a place to find a large number of videos of the adventures and enjoyable daily life of the family. As of February 2025, there are about 14 million people following the channel. Mila Marwah is undoubtedly the beloved daughter in the family, and her parents always make and share amazing creative videos dedicated to all important events in her life.
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