How old is Noah Jupe?

Noah Jupe was born on 25 February 2005.
Noah Jupe is 19 years old.

How old is Noah Jupe in days now?

Noah Jupe is 19 years 2 months 13 days old.
Total 7,012 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Noah Jupe?

Noah Jupe's next birthday is in 9 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Noah Jupe?

Zodiac sign of Noah Jupe is Pisces.

Noah Jupe is a young but already famous cinema actor. Born in 2005 in London, he is a son of the talented British actress Katy Cavanagh, and his father is a movie director Chris Jupe. Noah grew up in London alongside his two siblings and made his first steps in acting also in the capital city of the UK. His first role was in an episode of Penny Dreadful horror TV series, followed by taking part in such projects as Downtown Abbey, The Last Dragonslayer, The Night Manager (alongside Tom Hiddleston), and a few episodes of Houdini and Doyle series. In 2017 Noah appeared in his first cinema movies Wonder (with Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson), That Good Night, The Man With The Iron Heart, and of course Suburbicon directed by George Clooney where Jupe played the son of a character portrayed by Matt Damon. Nest year was not less successful and Noah was invited to join the cast of the movies The Titan, A Quiet Place (with Emily Blunt), and a comedy Holmes and Watson by Ethan Cohen, starring Will Ferrell. At the end of the decade, Noah Jupe could be seen in the movies like Ford v Ferrari (with Matt Damon and Christian Bale), Honey Boy, a sequel of A Quiet Place, and a few more.

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