How old is Paul Rudd?

Paul Rudd was born on 6 April 1969.
Paul Rudd is 55 years old.

How old is Paul Rudd in days now?

Paul Rudd is 55 years 10 months 5 days old.
Total 20,400 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Paul Rudd?

Paul Rudd's next birthday is in 1 month 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Paul Rudd?

Zodiac sign of Paul Rudd is Aries.

Paul Rudd is a famous American actor who is known for his roles in many famous movies and TV series. Born in 1969 in New Jersey to the family of Jewish parents who were immigrants from the UK, Rudd spent his teen ages in Kansas where he finished high school. Later on, he studied acting in the University of Kansas, as well as the British American Drama Academy in Oxford. His acting debut was a recurring role in the TV series Sisters which took place in 1992. This decade became really successful for Rudd as a TV series actor as he appeared in such projects as Wild Oats, The Great Gatsby, and finally Friends, an iconic TV series that made Rudd famous. For his career, Rudd played a large number of roles in the movies like Romeo + Juliet, Overnight Delivery (with Reese Witherspoon), The Object of My Affection (with Jennifer Aniston), Anchorman (with Will Ferrell), Baxter, The 40-Years Old Virgin (with Steve Carell), The Night in the Museum (with Ben Stiller), I Love You, Man, This Is 40, Ideal Home, Ant-Man, and many more. Paul Rudd often appears on TV and used to host Saturday Night Live. The role of two characters in the NETFLIX TV series Living with Yourself is among his latest works.

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