How old is Queen Key?

Queen Key was born on 6 June 1996.
Queen Key is 27 years old.

How old is Queen Key in days now?

Queen Key is 27 years 10 months 20 days old.
Total 10,186 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Queen Key?

Queen Key's next birthday is in 1 month 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Queen Key?

Zodiac sign of Queen Key is Gemini.

Queen Key is a young American rapper and performer famous for a few hits that are extremely loved by her fans. Her real name is Ke'Asha McClure. She was born in 1996 in Chicago and has been interested in music since her early years. She started rapping and free-styling seriously in early 2010, and social media like YouTube and Instagram became the main platforms of her early music promotion. Her most famous hits like Take Money, Kung Fu, Chicken Chicken, Calling All Eaters, Baked As A Pie, and others became popular online and have millions of views. Queen Key is a lovely young lady with a special style and image. In 2020 she gave birth to wonderful triplets.

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