How old is Romeo Santos?

Romeo Santos was born on 21 July 1981.
Romeo Santos is 43 years old.

How old is Romeo Santos in days now?

Romeo Santos is 43 years 6 months 17 days old.
Total 15,907 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Romeo Santos?

Romeo Santos's next birthday is in 5 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Romeo Santos?

Zodiac sign of Romeo Santos is Cancer.

Romeo Santos is a pop singer, songwriter, musician, and frontman of a pop band Aventura. He was born Anthony Santos in 1981 n NYC and grew up in the Bronx, alongside his parents who loved music very much and exposed their son to plenty of Latin musical styles. Santos began his singing career as a children's choir singer and later on learned playing the guitar and piano, as well as started writing his own songs. In the mid 1990s he became a member of Aventura band which was formed in NYC and was quite popular in the late 1990s - 2000s. Together they recorded 6 studio albums and released a few live albums, had plenty of tours and concerts around the country. In the early 2010s Romeo started his solo career and began recording his songs like Propuesta Indecente, Imitadora, Eres Mia, and others. He has also appeared in a few movies like Furious 7 and The Angry Birds. Romeo Santos is very famous among Spanish pop fans and he is known as The King of the Bachata.

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